In 2021, COERR Kanchanaburi had a plan to promote life skills activities for youth and children in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter in Kanchanaburi Province and Ban Tham Hin Temporary Shelters in Ratchaburi Province, according to their competence and interest.
Due to the fact that most children and youth paid attention and participation to arts, culture and sports, COERR, therefore, supported youth to organize sports competition, arts and crafts like drawing, painting, weaving, sports, etc., during January-February 2021.
In Ban Don Yang, there were cultural art, drawing and handmade life skills competition on January 12th, 15th and 18th. There were 25 female participants on January 12th ; 118 participants in drawing competition comprising 65 female and 53 male on January 15th; and 35 participants in weaving competition, consisting of 15 female and 20 male on January 18th.
In Ban Tham Hin, on January 23th, there were 3 sports competitions: Volleyball (boys) in which 40 male attending; Volleyball (girls) in which 40 female attending; and Caneball in which 35 male attending.
On February 15th, there were also two sessions of competition in Ban Tham Hin. There was a drawing and painting competion in which 73 of 35 female and 38 male participating; and a weaving competition, in which 5 refugees comprising 1 female and 4 male participated.
Prizes for winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd) were backpacks, umbrella, sportswear, towels, etc.
Through these activities, children and youth were empowered with enthusiasm in fair play, spirit of the games, mindful of planning and teamworking, body and behavior controlling, proper physical and mental development.
